This new Advanced Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media supersedes the Media
Production Apprenticeship Pilot delivered in the north west of England with partners such as the
BBC, Channel M, ITV Granada, Lime Pictures and the Red Production Company. Throughout
the development process, Skillset has carried out ongoing consultation with employers and
providers involved in the north west, plus all those who have expressed an interest elsewhere
in England and Wales. The qualification components of the new framework have been
developed with awarding organisations and industry experts, to ensure they meet the needs of
the changing world of creative media.
Apprenticeships are at the heart of the new 'Skills for Sustainable Growth Strategy' and Skillset
believes, as does the Government, that apprentices should receive the same recognition as
those who have achieved traditional qualifications such as GCSEs, A levels and degrees.
Apprenticeships bring together individuals, who are motivated and working hard to develop
themselves, and employers, investing in their own success but supporting a wider
programme of social, environmental and economic value. To widen access, we will ensure clear
progression routes into Apprenticeships, through to higher level skills development in further
and higher education, taking into account the needs of all types of learners.
Lord Carter's Digital Britain report sets out the UK Government’s strategic vision for the UK’s
digital economy. The aim of the strategy is to ensure that the UK is at the leading edge of, and
best utilises, global developments in digital technology. It addresses the role of digital
technology, not only for UK plc, but also taking account of the national and regional character
of Digital Britain.
Skillset's Strategic Skills Assessment for the Creative Media Industries in England (2010)
highlights that, in what is now a global economy, it can be difficult for smaller or even medium
sized companies to keep up to date with technology and market developments to capitalise on
globally driven opportunities. Indeed perhaps partly in response to this, the global picture in
recent years has been one of market concentration with the emergence of large media
multinationals (such as Sky and Sony) with broad and ever expanding interests across a
number of media sectors, genres and platforms. Secondly, it is known that both freelancers
and small companies in relative terms find it more difficult to invest in skills development. All
this emphasises the important role played by the public sector – working with the industry – to
facilitate access to high quality information, advice and education and learning and
development provision for the entire creative media workforce.
The future is digital and the use of internet and other digital technologies is changing the way
media content is created, packaged, distributed, and consumed by audiences. For example,
... Creative and Digital Media
the Wii, isn’t just a gaming console, it is also a web browser and social networking tool; mobile
phones aren’t just used for conversations, but are now digital cameras, voice recorders and
mp3 players. The Creative Media Industries must respond swiftly to these changes and help
the economy keep pace and grow.
Advanced apprentices must be able to hit the ground running with new ideas and a real
understanding of what the industries need. Apprentices should be able to add value to the
business, as soon as possible, and work with their employer to take advantage of new
technologies. In return, employers will support, train and develop apprentices and provide
them with invaluable experience to further develop their career in the Creative Media
Industries. It is intended that this Advanced Apprenticeship framework will allow employers in
England to draw on a more diverse pool of talent that has traditionally been dominated by
university graduates.
This new Advanced Apprenticeship covers new entrant roles in a range of sectors, including:
• TV
• Archives
• Animation
• Interactive media
• Film
• Photo imaging
Please note that this Advanced Apprenticeship is also relevant to employers outside of Creative
Media - possibly those who have team members responsible for using digital technology for
creative purposes.